Originally discovered in China and India, hibiscus gained global recognition in the 1700s when European explorers introduced this vibrant flower to the West. Botanist Carl Linnaeus officially named it Hibiscus rosa-sinensis in 1753, documenting its significance in his groundbreaking work, Species Plantarum. Historically, hibiscus was valued for its versatility, used to soothe coughs, heal skin ailments, and serve as a revitalizing tonic. Our organic hibiscus tea offers a bold, tart flavor reminiscent of cranberries, balanced with subtle sweetness and floral undertones. Refreshing and invigorating, it’s a delightful way to brighten your day, hot or iced.
Ingredients: Organic Hibiscus
Tea Type: Herbal Blend
Country: USA
Storage Instructions: Dark, dry & airtight container.